Nex-Generation Partner Program
Join us in partnering for youth!
Sign up today to become a one-time or annual donor: You can make an impact on area youth by partnering with us in support of Student Internships, Young AmeriTowne of Kansas, and more! Partner Tiers range from Premiere ($50,000 and above) to Participant ($499 or less).
Round Up Your Nex-Tech Bill: As one of our sponsoring partners, Nex-Tech allows its customers to round up their monthly bills in support of Nex-Generation. For just pennies a day, you can make a huge impact. The average round up is only 50 cents a month. Collectively, that pocket change helps support internships and other valuable programs for the youth of northwest and north central Kansas. You can help us keep kids here.
Please contact Nex-Tech at 877-625-7872 for more details or complete the Opt In form at the bottom of our Sponsorship page.
Donations may also be made directly to Nex-Generation Round Up For Youth, Inc., P.O. Box 97, Lenora, KS 67645, or electronically by credit card or PayPal. Click the donate button to make an impact!
Adopt -A- Shop
Young AmeriTowne of Kansas is a permanent facility that features a life-like Towne of 10 businesses (shops). While in AmeriTowne, students-turned-citizens experience a career for a day, manage their personal finances, and participate in a free-enterprise economy. Students see the direct impact their actions and decisions have on themselves, their businesses, and their overall community.
Your Adopt-A-Shop sponsorship of $1,500 per year provides all the materials and supplies needed for one shop to function and be successfully stocked.
Adopt-A-Shop Sponsorship
$1,500 per year/per shop
Choose one or more Young AmeriTowne of Kansas shops to sponsor:
Towne Hall
Snack Shop
Container Shop
Digital Media Agency
Energy Resources
TV Station
Nex-Great Idea Shop
Medical Services
Radio Station
Adopt -A- School
Help send your school through the Young AmeriTowne of Kansas program!
An Adopt-A-School Sponsorship helps cover the expenses for your local school to participate in the Young AmeriTowne of Kansas curriculum and "Day at Towne" experience! Fees are $25 per student, which covers the curriculum, student workbooks/materials, and Day at Towne.
You can help today!